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Technical session 2006: WCFB and AFB carburator rebuilds

WCFB Carburator ready to be rebuild

As preperation the 1959 WCFB carburator was already sandplasted with fine shell sand so we could start assemble it right away.

Rebuilding in action

Here a shot of Sander carefully rebuilding the AFB carburator.

AFB Prepared

The 1965 AFB carburator is also prepared to be rebuild.

Checking operation

Piet is checking if the first and second stage opens and closes smoothly...

Finished AFB

And here: the rebuild AFB. Isn't it magnificient? As if it was originally assembled yesteday.

Top shot

Sideshot 1

Sideshot 2

Piet's C1

Here the 1959 Corvette of Piet, a Roman Red car, with 2x4 barrel engine.

Erik's C3

Erik brought his 427/435hp 1968 car this time.


Exhaust re-alligning

During the technical sessions Rob's exhaust system was also re-alligned. Since he replaced his rear spring not so long ago he also decided to add a new exhaust system to the car.

Here a shot of his 427.390hp engine.

C1 speedo meter problems

Piet's odometer wasn't functioning anymore so it was removed from his cockpit setup to be diagnosed. Unfortunatelty it wasn't possible to repair it. A replacement is currently been sought after...

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